Sell your property with confidence

Nour Estate is making it simpler to sell your property and move forward.

List your property on Nour Estates

Nour Estates helps you sell your property, your way. Easily explore your selling options below — we can even help you choose the best option when you’re ready.

Compare personalized options, no commitment required

Sell your property with us

We will provide selling support at every step, including prepping, listing and marketing your property.

Sell your property yourself

Create your listing for your property on our platform.

Sell your land or villa in Lombok with Nour Estates

Sell your property with us

Not wanting to deal with all the hassle of selling your property yourself? We will provide selling support at every step, including prepping, listing and marketing your property.

Why sell with us

How to sell with us

If you want to sell with us, please contact us. We will schedule a meeting with you to evaluate you needs. We will then guide you through the steps of selling your property with us.

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Sell your property yourself

If you decide to sell your property yourself. We provide you with the platform to showcase your property. In this case, fill out the listing form here and we will showcase your property on our website and refer any leads to you. You’re responsible for communicating with your leads, the property prep, marketing, showings, and negotiations.

Why sell your property yourself

How to sell your property yourself

When selling yourself, start with prep, staging, and hiring a professional photographer. Once your marketing materials are ready, research comparable properties to help price yours. Then, list on Nour Estates. You’ll handle the communications and host showings. Then select an offer, negotiate, accept and close.

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