The Complete Guide to Buying Property in Lombok

Kuta Lombok beach

If you’re looking to invest in Lombok, an island paradise in Indonesia, it’s important to understand the country’s land ownership rules.

This guide provides international investors with essential information on buying property in Lombok. You’ll learn about the island’s stunning landscapes, rich culture, and promising real estate opportunities.

Understanding Land Ownership in Indonesia: A Closer Look

Indonesian Land Ownership Laws

  • Unique Legal Framework: Indonesia’s land ownership laws present a unique framework that differs markedly from many Western countries. These laws are rooted in the country’s legal system and cultural practices, emphasizing communal and state control over land.

  • Importance for Foreign Investors: Comprehending these laws is crucial for international investors. It ensures their investment aligns with legal norms and avoids potential legal hurdles. Familiarity with Indonesian property law provides a solid foundation for making informed investment decisions in places like Lombok.

Types of Land Titles

  • Freehold (Hak Milik): This is Indonesia’s most absolute form of land ownership, typically available only to Indonesian citizens. Freehold ownership (Right of Ownership) means the owner has complete control over the land and can hold it indefinitely.

  • Leasehold (Hak Sewa): The Leasehold system is the most viable option for foreigners. Under this system, a foreigner can lease land for a fixed period, usually up to 25 years, with the possibility of extension. This type of agreement is popular in tourist areas like Lombok, where foreigners wish to invest in property without having full ownership.

  • Right to Use (Hak Pakai): The right to use and control land for specific purposes. It is usually granted for 25 years and extendable for another 20.

  • Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan): Allows foreigners full ownership of land and buildings. Ideal for investments with control and security.

Can Foreigners Own Land in Indonesia? Exploring the Options

Leasehold Agreements

  • A Workable Option for Foreigners: While direct land ownership is off-limits for foreigners, Leasehold agreements provide a feasible alternative. These agreements are legally binding contracts between the foreign investor and the landowner.

  • Duration and Renewal: Typically, these leases last for 25 years, with the option to extend. The flexibility to renew the lease is critical, as it offers longer-term security for investments, especially in developing areas of Lombok.

The Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan – HGB)

  • Ownership of Structures: The HGB title offers another route for foreign investment. It allows foreigners to own any building or structure on the leased land for a specified period, often up to 30 years.

  • Renewal and Conversion Options: HGB titles can be renewed or converted into Leasehold agreements, providing additional flexibility for foreign investors. This particularly appeals to Lombok, where developing tourism and real estate projects often involve significant construction and development.
Lombok rice field

The Process of Buying Property in Lombok: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Research and Identify the Ideal Location:
    • Diverse Locales in Lombok: Lombok’s real estate landscape is rich and varied. From the bustling beachfront of Kuta Lombok to the tranquil ambiance of Sengiggi, each area offers its unique charm and potential.
    • Aligning Location with Investment Goals: It’s crucial to research and identify which area aligns best with your investment objectives. Whether you seek a high-traffic area for commercial development or a peaceful retreat for a residential property, choosing the right location is critical to maximizing your investment’s potential.

  • Choose the Right Type of Land Title:
    • Leasehold vs. Right to Build: Depending on your investment plans, deciding between a Leasehold (Hak Sewa) and a Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan – HGB) title is essential. Leasehold is ideal for long-term leasing, while HGB suits those looking to develop or build on the land.

  • Engage with Local Experts:
    • Collaborating with Real Estate Professionals: Engaging with local experts is invaluable. They offer specialized knowledge in assisting foreign investors and can provide tailored advice on the Lombok property market.
    • Leveraging Local Insight: These experts can help navigate the complexities of the local market, from identifying promising locations to understanding regional pricing trends.

  • Conduct Due Diligence:
    • Verifying Land Titles and Encumbrances: A thorough due diligence process is essential. This includes verifying land titles, ensuring no encumbrances or legal issues, and confirming the property complies with local zoning and land-use regulations.
    • Understanding Local Regulations and Customs: It’s also important to understand local regulations and customs, which can significantly impact your investment.
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  • Importance of Legal Guidance: It is crucial to engage with a legal professional experienced in Indonesian property law. They can assist in drafting and reviewing lease agreements, ensuring that your investment complies with local laws and regulations.
  • Safeguarding Your Investment: A legal expert will help safeguard your investment by ensuring all legalities, including land rights and transactional aspects, are correctly handled.

Understanding Taxes and Fees

  • Taxation and Transactional Costs: Be aware of the various taxes and fees involved in property transactions, such as property tax, transfer tax, and notary fees. These can vary based on the property type and location.
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Maximizing Your Investment in Lombok

Long-Term Investment Strategies

  • Assessing Growth Potential: Consider your chosen location’s long-term growth and development potential. With Lombok’s increasing popularity and development, strategically located properties will likely appreciate over time.
  • Strategic Property Selection: Choose properties that offer the potential for value appreciation, whether through development, renovation, or changes in the local market.

Exploring Rental Opportunities

  • Tourism-Driven Rental Market: Given Lombok’s status as a rising tourist destination, investing in properties for rental purposes, like vacation homes or boutique hotels, can be a profitable strategy.
  • Capitalizing on Tourist Demand: Properties in popular areas like Kuta Lombok or near attractions can yield significant rental income, aligning with the island’s growing appeal to domestic and international tourists.
A man in a Lombok villa contemplating Buying property in Lombok

In conclusion, buying property in Lombok as a foreign investor involves a comprehensive process of location research, selecting the appropriate land title, engaging with local experts, and conducting thorough due diligence. Navigating legalities and understanding the financial aspects are also key components. With strategic planning and informed decisions, investing in Lombok’s property market can offer substantial long-term rewards.


Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM): The BKPM offers comprehensive information on investment policies, regulations, procedures, and opportunities in Indonesia. It’s an essential resource for foreign investors looking to understand the investment climate and legal requirements.

Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency: For real estate investments, this agency provides crucial information on land ownership, registration, and land-related regulations in Indonesia. It’s valuable for understanding the legal aspects of land transactions.

About Nour Estates

We started Nour Estates with a simple idea: to make finding your dream land in Lombok as easy and enjoyable as a day at the beach. Our team is a mix of local folks and people from around the world who fell in love with Lombok just like you. We’ve been in your shoes, faced the challenges of buying land here, and learned all the ins and outs. Now, we’re here to share that knowledge with you.

We are here to find you the perfect land to invest in. Contact us today, and let’s start this exciting journey together!

What makes Lombok an appealing destination for international property investors?

Lombok is a highly desirable location for investors due to its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and growing real estate market in Indonesia.

How can one navigate the legalities of buying property in Lombok as a foreigner?

Navigating the legalities requires thorough research and possibly the assistance of a local real estate expert or legal advisor. They can provide guidance on the necessary documents and procedures to ensure compliance with Indonesian property laws.

What types of real estate opportunities are available in Lombok for international investors?

Lombok offers a variety of real estate opportunities ranging from luxury villas and beachfront properties to commercial real estate developments. Each offers unique benefits and potential returns based on location and property type.

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